Oh that's so wonderful and I love ashwaghanda!!! I'm just starting my formal education now under Dr. Lad (he's one of the people who brought Ayurveda to the West, and he has some awesome YouTube videos I think under the name AyurPrana), but I've benefitted so much from practicing for the past few years. I love how connected it helps me feel to the seasons-- a lot of it makes so much sense to me intuitively (like why does it feel so good to eat cooling watermelon in July Pitta heat but in the dead of Vata winter a warm cup of something sweet and cinnamony does the trick etc).
It really is a beautiful practice, even just little things like taking a breath before eating a bite of something or paying attention to textures and flavors of food while chewing--it's helped me enjoy food a lot more and also made a huuuuuuuge difference with digestion!
I love that it's helping your dog too, that is so cool!!!