Oh!!!! How darling! “The right” is an omniscient monolith that has predicted the entire rise and fall of the whiny socialists. Brilliant!! Bro, do u hear yourself? First of all, you are whiny as hell so have some self awareness and look in the mirror. Second, not everyone/everything is some binary monolith that you need to dogmatically cling to and base your entire identity around. You can appreciate certain *philosophies* or even *ideals* without making some absolutist interpretation of them the backbone of your entire identity. And that goes as much for AOC stanning as it does for Trump stanning or any other absurd and pathetic cult of celebrity worship. Ideas and people are both fallible. Capitalism and conservatism are not panaceas for the ills of humanity and earth any more than your big bad wolf fear of Venezuelan socialism is. And for the record you tiny little angel, you are already a socialist because you pay for roads and military/cops and presumably you get aroused from paying for the latter so regrettably i must inform you that you are a whiny socialist already. Whomp whomp 🥺 have a nice day you smug little beanbag. If you’d ever like to have real discussions about politics you can begin by avoiding accusations that people are “whining,” especially when you’re doing so yourself, and instead try to keep an open mind. But i am quite sure you are too preoccupied with foaming at the mouth about how the right is right about everything and touching yourself to photos of donald trump to consider the value of dialogue. Farewell Tiny Tim!