Kathy. No one asked you to be depressed or horrified or outraged every day. Yes, you and anyone else working in public defense or social justice or therapy or any other field exposed to all of the tragedies and disappointments of the human experience need to focus especially on self-care and joy in order to counterbalance the heavy stress of your work--aside from the already inordinately heavy stress of being a human being (perhaps more so at this time than ever, but perhaps not).
Every single person needs their own distinct balance of anger/disappointment/sadness/discomfort/even rage alongside joy/laughter/calm/relaxation in order to fulfill their unique roles in the world as individuals and members of something much larger. You have stumbled onto a single article (or perhaps you read a few other things I wrote) on my Medium page, projected an insulting character judgment onto it because it had triggered you, and then went out of your way to insult me--not my writing, but me, who you do not even know--while virtue signaling that you must be correct and good because of your professional work.
And then you seem shocked with a "Wowzers" when I don't respond kindly to your completely unnecessary and rude internet trolling. Kathy: where in this article did I suggest that EVERYONE, including you, absolutely must agree with everything I said or else they are terrible people? Like several other people who were too triggered that someone deigned to criticize their favorite show, perhaps you were too frustrated to actually read what I wrote but I will break it down for you again so that you can feel reaffirmed in your upstanding and v compassionate character despite loving this show:
Everything on television in a white supremacist, capitalist society will have gradients of being problematic; it's okay to enjoy problematic content. You don't need to spend every single moment of media consumption analyzing media. Technically you never need to do that. But "stanning" for content doesn't do anyone any favors. Media influences society and vice versa. It is possible to have BOTH entertainment AND accountability--and for neither of those things to be perfect and for both to be in flux. Sometimes it doesn't have to be that deep, sometimes it does. The balance will depend on the person.
Now I recommend Kathy that next time you don't feel like you're in the mood to have your go-to relaxation/joy-inducing content analyzed in a way that might challenge you, mayhaps you can just avoid reading... *media critiques* of said content. But frankly I suspect that amidst all of your good vibes only you were just looking for someone to shit on. I hope it was a relief and that it makes it so you are better emotionally equipped to go about your day and your profoundly benevolent professional affairs.
Lastly, PSA, while you can be a good/compassionate/kind/social justice-oriented person AND love problematic content, it's hard to be a good/compassionate/kind/social justice-oriented person AND be an internet bully. Then again, probably mirroring your passion for this show, I wouldn't be surprised if you genuinely considered and dismissed your original comments to me as "funny" since many avid fans of SC are the kinds of mean repressed basic people who conflate rudeness and passive aggressiveness with humor.