Hi Tony! Regarding your request that I "do a little research before [I] write" -- I'm going to teach you a few things that your grandchildren are too annoyed with you to help you with. Do you see that underline in my article under the word "romanticizing?" That's called a hyperlink, my friend! From there you'll arrive at a credible publication called "The Guardian," which can point you via other hyperlinks and points within the article to other primary and secondary sources. That's what makes up what is in many academic institutions the basis for research :)
That being said, my dear Tony, there's something very interesting that you may not be aware of when stories are adapted into screenplays: they change! It turns out that aside from multimedia presenting an entirely different medium with an array of different expressions with which to take all kinds of liberties in reimagining stories, Hollywood (or international film) itself also tends to have a perennial impulse to glorify and make very sexy the contents of its stories. Hence, the ways the barometers and trends pertaining to attractiveness (and style/beauty/gender roles etc) are mutually reinforced by whoever the most reified actors and actresses of the day are.
Tony, when you hover your mouse over those hyperlinks, you can actually click on them and get more context as to why many German people are bemoaning the artistic liberties that were taken that deviated so far from the original spirit of the story that was intended to be anti-war, as you mentioned (well done!). The other wonderful thing you can do is Google more yourself around why Germans would feel that way; the nice thing about many Germans today is that as a society (with many individual exceptions, of course), they have intentionally decided not to romanticize or make excuses for the uglier parts of their history. Isn't that delightful, Tony? I surely appreciate it.
Now the other very goofy thing you said about Nazis not existing during the First World War... Tony. Tony, Tony, Tony, TONY! Tony, let's do some basic math together, shall we? First of all, do we agree that magic, in the specific capacity of things magically appearing out of thin air, does not exist? Don't respond if you believe in creationism. Next question, how much time passed between the end of World War 1 and the rise of Hitler in Germany? Let's see, November 1918 it ended, and January of 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany. Golly, that's just over 14 years...
Even with all the deaths over soldiers from WW1, the average life span in Germany around 1930 was still over 60 years, Tony! That would mean that presumably even a MAJORITY of those who supported Nazi ideology (and became supporters, enablers, and in many case even literal soldiers/clerics/any other military or government function in the Nazi party were very much alive to directly and consciously witness the events of World War 1... after which, they still became [drum roll] NAZIS!
I hate to break it to you Tony my sweet, but you're engaging in some Nazi apologism and it isn't cute on you.
Lastly, as for your grand old faith in the grand old institutions of the grand old Oscars, all I can say is lol. I am not surprised that someone earnestly and accidentally engaging in such lazy Nazi apologism has faith in the institution of the Oscars, a relic of old white supremacist Hollywood, to maintain a sexy chimera of American meritocracy. Unfortunately, Tony, there are breakouts. They just don't often get rewarded to people of color (or openly queer people) because the Oscars are a bastion of white supremacist culture in action.
Wishing you a lovely day and life, Tony!