Hi Fred,
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words! I would certainly love to read your article.
And I do want to be clear, I rarely believe in absolutism; bigotry in academia (which exists widely outside of the Ivy Leagues) doesn't negate that there are indeed many bright, open-minded and compassionate people who attend and teach in those institutions as well, nor does it erase the contributions that any institution of higher education has made to society, especially through scientific breakthroughs (and far beyond).
I don't see these things as binary; I see it as a complicated reality. Both can be true at the same time - the Ivy Leagues can set precedents of allowable ignorance across American campuses (e.g. normalizing antisemitism) AND there can be students and faculty attending those institutions who don't subscribe to or condone those actions whatsoever. AND, there can also be bigots from these institutions who technically contribute useful things to society; Nazi doctors in the Holocaust did contribute to modern science, even though their methods were inexcusable. It's tricky.
Many thanks again, I always love hearing from you!