Fascinating that you jump to the conclusion that this article denies any issues in Western medicine.
Since you seem to have had difficulty with context clues, this article was clearly addressed to a Western audience in the context of alternative or traditional medicine being practiced IN THE WEST. This is not about me going to a remote village in India and condemning them for quackery. Obviously, even most of Western medicine builds upon aspects of what has been established through traditional medicine. I'm in awe this needs to be said because it is so plainly obvious, but you were too caught up with the idea that anyone could criticize how alternative/traditional medicine gets appropriated and bastardized in the West to remember to put your thinking cap on. I wish skepticism was more of your dharma, my friend.
If I hadn't looked you up (since I couldn't believe someone who claimed to have a PhD could be so obtuse), I wouldn't have believed someone who allegedly possesses such a high education level wouldn't be able to see how correlation doesn't imply causation as it pertains to vaccination rates and excess mortality lmao - I am not even sure where to begin, but I'm assuming you probably purchased your degree from somewhere dubious so I'll let your foolishness speak for itself.
The other wonderful thing about looking you up is that A) you literally have the precise face of a ratty white person that I would conjure picture-perfectly in my mind as the essence of QAnon. Congratulations! B) I'm sorry that you have a botched ugly micropenis due to a mishap with circumcision (cool activism, "critical inquirer" mcBurningManAussie), but it's not the fault of the Jews. Get over it.
Which leads me to the last point, about your audacious lack of self-awareness to the point where you believe that you are in any way "critical" or that your paranoid 4Chan opinions afford you any meaningful credibility whatsoever: Bill Gatestein is not a Jew, periodt. You "recall" incorrectly. I do regret that this response is likely to lure you deeper into your QAnon incel rat-hole, but what kind of Jew in what kind of cabal would I be if I didn't do my due diligence to lead the lizard rat people back into the pathetic holes where they belong?