Every ethnostate that exists favors one religion/race/identity over the other by law, so every ethnostate is fundamentally unethical by this standard. This is widespread to the point that it could almost be argued that it reflects something about human nature or what some people refer to as tribalism. Should we strive to do better than that? Of course. But as more ethnically and culturally diverse (and yes still fundamentally white supremacist and Christian) places like America demonstrate, it's not very easy or successful. I would like to see Israel drastically different than it is. But I would still like Jews to have self-determination on their ancestral, indigenous land. Just like Palestinians.
Why would I call you anti-Indian? From where I stand Modi seems like a Trump equivalent violent nationalist bigot, but I know better than to insert myself into a situation I personally don't understand (gee I wonder if you could've ever said the same thing about Netanyahu?).