Again, as words carry meaning, it's valid for you to be vigilant about wording. But these words, which you have suggested are presented as facts, do not suggest that Black people or other POC are actually incapable of discerning right from wrong or bearing personal responsibility for their actions - as you cited elsewhere, it's the infantilization imposed *onto* people of color (largely by white people) that presupposes intellectual inferiority (which is incorrect) that is the basis of infantilization. In no way am I suggesting that Black people or other people of color or LGBTQ+ people or disabled people or any other minority is intellectually incapable of making responsible, discerning decisions.
I have never, ever suggested that there is a collective hatred of Jews among Black people. Nor that Black people are a monolith (or any other group, in fact, I continue to say the very phrase that NO group is a monolith). And I firmly believe in the power and historic and continued importance of Black and Jewish unity and the ways our struggles are bound together, which is why I wrote this article:
I've absolutely never suggested that Black people (or any group in America, aside from white supremacy itself, though Hamas support for Islamist rule does pose an increasingly concerning danger to me) has the power or intention of collectively destroying or harming Jewish people, so please let me know if there's anything specific you read that made you feel like I was suggesting that.
As for Black Hebrew Israelites, they are absolutely foundationally anti-Ashkenazi. Their entire genesis presumes that Ashkenazi Jews are not ethnically Jewish. That is profoundly antisemitic and incorrect and ahistorical. AND, not but, and, I can absolutely comprehend the notion that as you say, Black Hebrew Israelites have also provided resources and empowerment to other Black people in ways that are indispensable. I don't see the world rigidly; which is literally the point of what I have been writing. I can accept both/and. It can be true that the vast majority of Black Hebrew Israelites hold extremely antisemitic views AND they help advance many causes for other Black people in ways that are impactful and important. And I most certainly never said Black Hebrew Israelites or other religious zealots represent the collective of Black people. Ever.
Where I'm losing hope for our continued conversation, and possibly desire to continue it, is when you say "placing on a pedestal examples of Jewish antagonism by blacks, over decades, rather rhan doing the respectful thing which is to understand the paralyzing effect of not having agency over your voice and mind without fear of retalliation, and for centuries, only to be told, okay, now we'll let you speak, IF you say the things we believe are good for us and by extension, good for day."
First of all, I have not written explicitly about Black people - this article was about racialization of Jews, which in a country that largely sees things as black and white binary (though I also went into great detail about other minorities as well in this very article, which you seem to have ignored) will implicitly and obviously include referencing Black people.
Frankly, I think it's disgusting if you are considering this article to be "placing on a pedestal" examples of anti-Jewish acts of antagonism from Black people. I appreciate that you are trying to understand, but even if your words are at times cruel and ignorant and you disbelieve me, my allyship to Black people is unconditional. I would still march in the streets for racial justice and write as I have literally countless articles (feel free to scroll through my profile, or don't because anything you see will likely just fuel your perception that my allyship is performative. Whatever makes you happy.) because I understand that we do have more in common than separates us. AND, I understand the disparities in the violence we experience are dangerous and unacceptable and must be combated with urgency.
That being said, you have no right to diminish the harm caused by wealthy celebrities with enormous platforms when they use those platforms to spew hatred -- not BECAUSE they are Black, but because they are powerful (via money and fame). They do not get "outs." Just as Harvey Weinstein doesn't get an out. No rich, famous person of any color or background gets to spew hatred and not be called out.
When you say "I hate to be preached to about liberal evils toward my people," I hope you're not referencing anything I said, as I have done no such thing. I have no desire to champion any political party to Black people. Black people have every right to have no faith in any American political establishment. That is your right to abstain from participation in any structure that only conditionally supports you, regardless of what non-Black people tell you.
And unfortunately, Black people can't be left out of this, much as you wish I would leave them out, because they are a part of this. You may not comprehend this, but there are large swaths of Black Jewish people. They exist, in droves. AND, there are also a great many Black people (just as there are a great many other people of every background) championing the anti-Israel cause, and reinforcing the narrative that ALL Jews (including Ashkenazi Jews) are white colonizers. In the aftermath of the racial reckoning of 2020, which obviously hasn't actually made this country safer or less racist for Black people, the institutional progressive narrative arc increasingly accepts the social construction of race and racism to be defined foremost by Black people, since this country's racist underpinnings disproportionately affect Black (and Native) people. And Black people largely SHOULD be able to define that and have their experiences believed. But non-Jewish Black people should NOT be able to gaslight and vilify Jewish people and superimpose the experiences of Black people in America onto Palestinian people in the Middle East (and therefore whiteness onto Israelis) as folks like Angela Davis have literally done. And people like Angela Davis have power and are very much accountable (not entirely, but as a part of a diverse collective) for the ways that the "cool" factor of progressive/leftist identity have fueled a rise of ignorant antisemitism because of these dangerous narratives. Again, THIS DOES NOT MEAN ALL OR MOST BLACK PEOPLE. If you take it to mean that, that is your choice. But it is not the truth.
I also resent your selective reading of my piece when you say things like "I also detect a fanning of the flames against true black voice, not the fear of it, which will cause more harm to us because what isn't acknowledged in this piece is that we truly are considered the lowest rung in this society" because the very first thing I linked to in here is an article I wrote about the War on Drugs and the fallacy of color-blindness called "'The New Jim Crow' and Why #BlackLivesMatter." I repeat the America has much to reckon with as I discuss the plight of Native and Black Americans and underscore the damage of colorism. But not even in an article about JEWISH identity is leading with that information enough for you, because you have set out to paint me as racist. If you are challenged and unable to hold space for the multiplicity of the fact that Jewish people are only 15 million worldwide and have experienced and continue to experience high risks of genocide but we aren't allowed to speak about American enthusiasm for Jewish death.... I don't really have much else to say to you.
I understand your pain, I really do. And again, it's valid. I understand why you are also relentlessly championing Black people. I will do the same for Jews. AND I will do that for my Black brothers and sisters. I can do both.
But I lose interest in engaging with you when you ask "What I never read or hear is WHY these men [like Kyrie Irving] and others felt what they either read, heard or experienced resonated." You're asking me to have compassion for a wealthy, famous Black person spreading unspeakably disgusting and hateful and dangerous rhetoric about my people... there are plenty of Black people who discuss the experiences of Blackness without shitting on Jews. I'm sorry you don't seem to be able to do the same. I can't tell you this enough, I truly, completely, entirely do not give even a quarter of a shit why Kyrie Irving hates Jews. I know why he does. Because he, like many (not only Black people, but QAnons of all backgrounds and creeds) others merely hates Jews. And it is telling to me about you as a person, that you could read this piece and engage with my work, and still question if there's "something there that he was onto."
Stop asking for one-way allyship. Practice what you preach. I have been walking my talk. I understand you have a lot to deal with. Now maybe you try leading with some empathy, too. You have valid reasons to question and be dubious of non-Black people in general who you may not find to be supportive of you and/or anti-racism in general. You're wasting your time coming here to subtly shit on Jewish people. Plenty of other spaces you can do that.
And lmao, before you try to diminish the power of my words and the resonance, feel free to comb through other comments and claps, where you will find a diverse array of people (including Black people) supporting.
I wish you well. I wish you safety and health and joy and love.