Absolutely incorrect. Here’s a direct quote from Peter the Great: “I prefer to see in our midst nations professing Mohammedanism and paganism rather than Jews. They are rogues and cheats. It is my endeavor to eradicate evil, not to multiply it.”
Tsar Nicholas I literally aimed to destroy Jewish life, and forced Jews into conscription at the age of 12 to be used as cannon fodder.
The reason Jews were situated in the Pale of Settlement is that they were forbidden to live in the interior of Russia unless they converted to Russian Orthodoxy.
I find it profoundly bizarre that in the RUSSIAN EMPIRE, which included the areas of the worst pogroms you cite, you seem to think Russia had no accountability or influence.
Tsar Alexander III hated the Jews and restricted the professions they could access and the places they could live and ultimately expelled Jews from Moscow.
Incidentally, it was still a Russian intelligence agent in Paris who forged the Protocols.
Russians also blamed Jews for the loss in WWI, pillaging their villages and even banning Hebrew from being printed.
After the Bolsheviks came into power, the White Army’s motto was “Strike at the Jews and save Russia!"
Fast forward, look at the attempted pogrom in Dagestan. Antisemitism is endemic in Russia. Thanks, but I’ll happily choose Ukraine, which literally has a Jewish leader.
Very much not interested in any excuses for Vladimir Putin and his vicious war (or any suggestions that a Western Jewish fear and contempt of Russia is merely “propaganda”) and most certainly not interested in hearing any more historical revisionism. Take care.